In Pursuit


Monday, November 10, 2008

As I was waking up this morning, I wondered what kind of adventure God had in store for me today. I wondered if it might be a giant that stands in my path or if it might be a trip down the road to Gaza where I would encounter someone else traveling along or if I might happen upon a pit that had a lion in it. (I noted it was supposed to snow today, so I’m kind of looking out for a pit!)

As I reviewed the six cages that Mark Batterson wrote about in his book, “Wild Goose Chase” I found that there’s a little bit of me in every one of those cages. It’s never just one that holds me back from the adventure.

(For those who haven’t read the book or weren't in class Sunday morning, the six cages are: Responsibility, Routine, Assumptions, Guilt, Failure, and Fear.)

Had God told me, as he did Phillip in Acts 8, to go down the road toward Gaza, I might have been so consumed with completing the task that I would assume he meant go “to” Gaza. In all probability I would have viewed other travelers on this road as obstacles and would certainly have been fearful, or suspicious in the least, of someone pulled over to the side of the road appearing to need help. After all, I would have the responsibility of getting to Gaza and if they robbed me or harmed me in some way, I would have been late or not gotten there at all.

But the adventure might be neither giant nor a trip down Gaza road. It might be a kind word to the clerk in the coffee shop; it might be a moment or two spent helping someone with the door or with a package; it might be showing patience with the IT guy when he is working on my malfunctioning computer; or it might be showing mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it. These are all adventures that God just might have for me today.

And I’m wondering what kind of adventure God might have for you as well. Hit the comment button below and let me know what He has you doing today!

I’m praying that I don’t miss the adventure, and I’m also praying that I don’t run into a lion in a pit while it is snowing. I don’t like snow!

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