In Pursuit


Thursday, November 13, 2008

As I was leading the Bible study from Galatians 1 this past Wednesday night, I was really challenged by Paul’s words in verses 15 & 16. Paul confessed that he knew he had been “chosen from birth,” “called by God’s grace,” but he also knew it was not about him, it was about Christ being revealed to him and through him.

What a great message! What a great challenge to allow Christ to be seen in everything we do and heard in everything we say.

How humbling it is to know that God chose me, and you, to do works that have been prepared for us before the creation of the world.

And then to know that it’s not through my great ability (whew!) and it’s not through my great intellect (double whew!) that those works will be accomplished, but through His grace and through His Spirit.

He chose us to do these things. That’s already determined. He has also determined that we can do these things, and He has determined to work through us. The only question not determined is whether or not I will step up and do what He has ask me to do.

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