In Pursuit


Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Principle from the Lord's Prayer

Yesterday I wrote about the principle of spending half of my preparation time on "self-leadership." I know this has challenged some thinking but to be very honest, I've found that it has been very helpful.

It has helped me grow emotionally as well as spiritually. And if I'm growing in those two arenas, it will help me socially as well. I also believe it has been beneficial to my physical well-being as well.

The second principle that I've been challenged by came out of reading some notes in one of my study Bibles on the Lord's Prayer.

The writer of this particular set of notes pointed out six "points" of the prayer. The first three points focused on the glory of God (Our Father in heaven; Hallowed be your name; and your kingdom come) then the second three focus on our personal needs (Give us today our daily bread; forgive us our debts; and lead us not into temptation).

The take away for me was similar to the principle of self-leadership. Just as half of my preparation time should be to make me better prepared, half of my prayer time should be spent on adoration, praise and worship of God.

Unfortunately, I can remember a lot of prayer times that were centered on me and what I needed. And there is a time and place for those prayers and we are encouraged by God to bring our needs to Him. (Part of that is confessing that He is our provider and we are dependent upon Him.)

As a pastor, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the needs of people and the church. These needs, just as our personal needs, can become overwhelming and all consuming to our prayer times. But the "model of all prayers" tells us that we should be spending half of our prayer time in praise, adoration and worship.

Doing this will make a difference in our lives. We will come out of our prayer times refreshed, encouraged and confident instead of fearful, doubtful and full of worry.

Take a week and give it a try. Be a little bit structured in your prayer times. Make sure you spend at least half of your time in adoration, praise and worship to our Heavenly Father. It will make a difference!

Always in Pursuit!

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