In Pursuit


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Review of "Exponential" by Dave Ferguson & Jon Ferguson, published by Zondervan

There are so many things I like about this book that it is difficult to know where to begin. Right from the start the book is a source of encouragement. The first four words of chapter one are, "You can do it." Then throughout the book this message is repeated over and over. There is not the typical rhetoric of why it won't work, only "You can do it."

I like the understanding and application of Scripture throughout the book starting with the example from Acts 1:8. YOU are important to this process and YOU are important to God's program. YOU can do it.

I also liked the emphasis on the fact that God is able to "do more" than we can dream or imagine so let's dream big. Why not dream about reaching an entire city, even the size of Chicago, with the Gospel. God has the same dream and God is more than able, so why not dream along with God and allow Him to lead you. Those kind of dreams really do come true!

I appreciated the idea of using the word "apprentice" as opposed to the word "disciple." I was part of a large church for two decades and the leadership of this church could never agree on what a disciple was. And now our denomination is having these same discussions and they can't agree of a definition of disciple. But we all know what an apprentice is. Thanks to the Ferguson's for this insight.

Over and over the idea of being proactive towards growth, reproducing and developing leaders is presented. Examples are provided as to how these things work in the lives of folks. It was exciting to read how lives were changed and also know that these were not just for Community Christian Church or the Ferguson's.

There are several lists of questions designed to evaluate ministry, future sites and even leaders. I really liked the sections on coaching and in the future will use the questions designed to check a leaders RPM'S. (A leader's RPM'S are based on Luke 2:52 and helps with things Relational, Physical, Mental and Spiritual.)

The discussion of planting a church vs multi site is interesting. it's too bad the church has waited this long to grab hold of these ideas. It's been done right in front of us for decades by McDonald's, Starbucks and a myriad of other businesses in our communities but for some reason the church is slow to catch on. Perhaps it's due to the way we were trained. To do these things takes a different kind of leader.One that is not afraid to take risks, share the glory, or afraid to allow others to step forward and use their gifts to help build the church. And it takes someone who is willing to think and live outside the box. But the more I see, the more I see a thickening line between leaders who are willing to think and live outside the box and those who seem to reinforce the lines of the box so we don't color outside the lines.

I've liked the Ferguson's ever since I read "The Big Idea" and believe that these brothers and the leadership team around them are on to something that needs to be reproduced. I would recommend this book and encourage leaders to read it, share, discuss it and then be prepared to do things outside their box in the days ahead. In addition, be prepared to see others come alongside who have perhaps been waiting for this time to leave their box and start reproducing themselves in the lives of others.

Get the book. Read the book and be ready for God to challenge you to think and live outside your box.

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