In Pursuit


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He Knows My Name—

I have had more than one discussion with folks who feel as though they have been a disappointed God or done something to remove themselves from his sight.

I think all of us are familiar with those feelings. But the truth is that we are never out of his sight and he is never disappointed in us. (We probably do some things he doesn’t particularly like, but he’s never disappointed in us)

One of the newsletters I receive from Christianity Today is called “Church Laughs.” The weekly newsletter contains a cartoon as well as a little “weekly funny.” The “funny” for today was taken from the Christian Reader and was submitted by C. L. Null from Oklahoma City, OK: “My Sunday school class of youngsters had some problems repeating the Lord's Prayer, but they didn't lack in imagination. One child prayed, "Our Father, who art in heaven, how'd you know my name."

I think sometimes we all feel that way. But not only does he know our name, he “delights in us” and “sings over us” (Zephaniah 3:17). Mike Bickle says that each of us are his “favorite.” To grasp such great love is more than we can wrap our brains around yet this is truth and we need to keep telling ourselves the truth.

However God also promised we would endure difficult times. Some caused by others, some caused by our enemy and perhaps some caused by our own actions. But the good news is he has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

So, in our pursuit, we need to always remind ourselves of the truth. God’s not mad at us; He has not turned his back on us; He hasn’t forgotten our name; He’s crazy about us; and He’s got this great song he sings over us!

Isn’t it great to be In Pursuit?

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