In Pursuit


Thursday, December 4, 2008

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he presents an argument to the Galatians designed to encourage them to continue in the faith and not to follow the teaching of the Judaizers. The “walk of faith” leads to righteousness and an eternal relationship with Christ while the teaching of the Judaizers leads to works, curses, legalism and eternal death.

For a time, it appeared it was the Law that brought man to God. However, the Law did not take away sins nor did it make one righteous. (Faith in God brought righteousness) The Law frustrated many simply because they could not keep all points of the Law. (The purpose of the Law was to point out to man his need of a Savior and it was very effective in accomplishing this.)

I’ve been particularly struck with verse 4 of Galatians 4. “In the fullness of time………” In other words, everything that needed to happen in order for the next thing to happen had happened. (Was this a happening time or what?) I can get overwhelmed when I think how God orchestrated history to prepare the world for the Messiah to come and die.

God moved the Babylonians out of the way, as well as the Medes & Persians, Alexander the Great, the Syrians, and the Egyptians. He then moved the Romans in. Along the way, man developed a common language so the Gospel could be preached to all; the Romans built roads throughout the known world so the Gospel could be “taken” to the world; (and the Romans would deal with a “criminal” in the manner that the prophets spoke of hundreds of years prior to the “fullness of time.”)

In the midst of thinking about these words, I’ve also wondered if today, in my life, there could be an “in the fullness of time” event. In other words, I wonder what circumstances God has been orchestrating in my life that could be culminating “in the fullness of time” today.

I don’t want to be like the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders that were so consumed with the past or with what they thought was their future, that they missed the Messiah.

The phrase “in the fullness of time” conveys not only the idea that everything was ready but also a sense of urgency. I pray for that same sense of urgency so that I don’t miss the events that are ready to happen……..”in the fullness of time.”

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