In Pursuit


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review of "Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley

"Direction--not intention--determines our destination."

"the end of this story was determined years ago when he chose a path that, from the very beginning had dishonor, disgrace and dismissal as the destination."

"First, we don't get lost on purpose."

"The second thing I've learned about getting lost is that I never know exactly when it happens."

"There's a thing thing about getting lost. The road I'm on always determines where I end up."

There are a few of the many quotes that could be lifted and perhaps should be lifted form this book and kept very close to our thoughts throughout our journey.

At this point in my life, I'm very much aware of the many poor choices that I've made. Each choice put me on a path that already had a destination attached to it. No matter what my intentions were, the path I chose ended up at a pre-determined destination. Perhaps I went about things wrong.

Instead of knowing where I wanted to end up and then working back from that point and establishing a plan of how to get there, I, along with so many others, started out with wonderful intentions, but without a map.....okay....GPS. I knew where I wanted to be, but didn't know how to get there.

Perhaps we are not capable of paying attention to maps when we are young......since we are convinced that we know what we're doing. (Maybe it was because no one could figure out to put the maps back together once we unfolded them......) We also had more resources available to us than any other generation that had come along. BUT, having the right tools doesn't make us a master carpenter or mechanic. Nor does it guarantee we will get started on the right path.

Yes, we need the wisdom of Solomon, but he demonstrated that wisdom wasn't enough. We need folks who can speak into our lives; but since we don't always listen, we need something more. We need to have attitudes that welcome the advice of those who have walked their own paths and learned a few things along the way. Plus we need to learn how to be dependent upon the guidance and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Any one of these things has proven to not be sufficient for most of us. We need all three.

The quotes I cited at the beginning of this review are typical responses to those times when we get "lost." We need one another and we need God.

The take away for me is that I need to be involved in the lives of others as they come along; and I need others to be involved in my life; plus I need the leadership of God's Spirit.

One note regarding those that I need help from....they don't have to be older nor do they have to be smarter. That's an arrogant attitude and reeks of spiritual pride. I just need to make sure they care about me and are willing to ask the hard questions about where I'm going and how I'm getting there.

You need to get this book and read it. Mull it over. Then ask God what it is He would have you learn from these pages and what adjustments you need to make as you walk your own path. You just might be headed to a "dead end" or to a "closed road."

There are lots of lights out there that can confuse us.....lots of distractions. Most of us need help to stay on the right path and end up where God desires us to be.

Special thanks to Nelson Publishing and the website for sending this book to me and for the opportunity to review it.

Always in Pursuit!

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