In Pursuit


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to Be a Giant Killer, Part V

The idea behind this part of the Giant Killer series is "Victim or Victor."

I wonder how many of us would have taken on a victim mentality had we been in David's sandals?

Let's look at the circumstances....his only assignment had been to watch the sheep and to carry supplies to his brothers (who didn't particularly care for him) and to take gifts to the king (who apparently took no notice of him).

For some reason he wasn't allowed to join the army and fight with his brothers. Perhaps he was too young....or perhaps Jesse just couldn't stand the thought of allowing his youngest son to go and fight. So, off to the sheep it was for David.

Up to this point the only battle experience he had had was with a lion and bear and perhaps with a mean old ram from time to time. Nothing there to really prepare him for battle with an experienced war hero from the Philistines.

In addition, he was not very tall and apparently not the best looking in the family. And we would assume that his personality left something to be desired at this point as well.

On top of this, his big brother Eliab thought he was conceited and questioned his integrity. He accused David of doing what he was doing just so he could watch the battle. And I think there was something said about David being those kinds of things would give a little brother a complex....I think.

Many of us would have turned away from those circumstances thinking that everybody was against me; no one believed in me; no one likes me; think I'll eat a can of worms......And to be honest, there certainly was evidence that some of this could have been true. But David thought differently about it.

David viewed the lion and bear as preparation for the giant; he knew he was good with his sling; and he knew that God was on his side. He was not going to allow these things to make him a victim. In his heart, he knew he would be victorious because of God.

And while I woudl ben't be surpirsed to learn that deep down inside David wanted to be tall and handsome like his big brother he knew these things wouldn't be any help to him while facing the giant. He needed a heart that was after God's own heart.

That's why he announced that he was coming against the giant in the name of the Lord Almighty. He wasn't coming against the giant in the name of his father; his older brother; Saul or even the armies of Israel. His source was the LORD Almighty. And David knew that the LORD Almighty would make him the victor in spite of the things that could have made him a victim.

It's our choice....victim or victor. I know what I want to choose, how about you?

Always in Pursuit!

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