In Pursuit


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Book Review of Tithing, Test Me In This by Douglas Leblanc

The idea of tithing as a life style or better yet as a stewardship of all that is given to us in life was very refreshing and challenging. The idea of purposely living onless than we make so we can use our resources to support our church, ministries and those in need is veyr biblical and very much a part of what Christ modeled for us while on the earth.

Author Douglas LeBlanc interviewed 13 different people for this book. I loved the variety of backgrounds he chose. It was energizing to hear of how all the disciplines incorporated tithing into their lives simply because it was first of all commanded but even more it represented a faith that said God was their provided and they were dependent upon Him.

Too often tithing a club used by bully's in the pulpit who try guilt and manipulation in order to get people to give. It's usually preached on because the church is in trouble financially or a project needs to be funded. Seldom is tithing explored as a lifestyle or a stewardship of life's resources. It's also an indication that each of us is really part of something bigger than we are and we are called to do what we can with the God given resources.

I would highly recommend this book for those who struggle with the concept of tithing or for those who want to lead their congregation and their families into this experience.

The book is part of The Ancient Practices Series published by Thomas Nelson Publishing.

Always in Pursuit!

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