In Pursuit


Monday, November 23, 2009

A Primer for Nothing But Praise

I love the word of God. It's alive. We can read through it one day and the Spirit will speak to us about one thing and then read the same words again another day and the Spirit will speak to us on a completely different level.

In Psalm 116, part of the Hallel, and most probably part of the post-supper hymns sung by Christ and His band of followers, we can read the basic principles behind a life of praise. (In my previous blog entry, I detailed four specific examples of how to live a life of nothing but praise, but now we have the principles behind those specifics.)

First of all, it's personal. Note the first words of the Psalm......."I love the Lord." It's not "we" or "they" but it's "I." It's personal.

We don't just praise Him when we are with a group in church. If that's the only time we praise Him, perhaps that is more of a show than anything else. (sorry about that not trying to be mean, just sayin')

Secondly we are to praise God for what he has done. Note verses 2, 3 & 4. In this case the Psalmist is praising God for His grace and mercy in saving him from death. Maybe God hasn't had to save you from death, but what has He done for you? (Maybe he did save you from death and did such a good job of it, you weren't even aware of it)

Thirdly, we praise God for His virtues. Note verses 5 & 6. God is to be praised for His righteousness and for His compassion. The list of God's virtues could go on. Don't stop with these two.

And then finally, because of all of God's virtues, the Psalmist is able to rest in the Lord.

Resting or trusting in God is an act of praise. My friend Josh Singleton wrote on a facebook status a few days ago, (I'm going to paraphrase) "When I'm more consumed with my problems than I am with God's ability to solve them, I need to repent."

All of this is a great challenge in the face of life these days. Nothing seems to be easy, there doesn't seem to be an end to the challenges and they don't get any easier with time. But the model for us is Christ, singing this Psalm in worship to God, just a few minutes away from being arrested and put on trial and crucified. What a great example of how to live a life of nothing but praise.

May it be so for me......and for you!

Always in Pursuit!

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