In Pursuit


Friday, November 6, 2009


In some previous blog entries, I mentioned the importance of doing the simple things in life. In the Gospel of John some folks simply had to sit where Jesus told them to; pour water into vats; and washing his eyes. Naaman simply had to dip seven times in the river to be healed of a disease that had no cure.

In my musings, I've also been reminded of the consequences of not doing the simple things and will use this blog entry and the next one to discuss this.

In Daniel 4, you will find the account of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King who would not give credit to God. A simple thing to do if you stop and think about it. Even though he had been warned about the consequences of not doing so, he chose to view himself as being the great one instead of giving God the credit for being the Great One.

The consequences were that Neb developed a taste for grass and spent the next seven somethings (maybe days, maybe weeks, maybe years or maybe seven seasons) eating grass on all fours like a member of the bovine family. Unfortunately, he experienced a very moooooooving set of circumstances that could have easily been avoided if only he had done the simple thing.

I've decided that I don't like the taste of grass and with the weather changing the way it is, I don't like the idea of being outside, on all fours, even for seven minutes. So, I guess doing the simple things will be the priority for my family and me. The cattle may be lowing somewhere, but not in our yard, er I mean house!

Always in Pursuit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I REALLY REALLY needed to read this tonight. I do not want to be out on the lawn again...been there, done that! Message received loud and clear. Be blessed.