In Pursuit


Friday, October 23, 2009

The Simple Stuff

It's not glamorous, doesn't take a boat load of courage or requires a lot of smarts, but the simple stuff God tells us to do more often than not becomes the key for Him to work.

Remember, four of the seven miracles in the Gospel of John happened after some simple instructions were followed. Peter experienced the greatest catch of his career by following simple instructions. And most of the victories in our lives will come through our obedience to the simple things.

I've recently been reminded of the military genius, Naaman, in 2 Kings 5. Some how he joined the ranks of the lepers. As a result he became desperate for a cure and was willing to pay anything, travel anywhere and do whatever was required of him in order to be cured of this disease.

But when he was instructed to do a simple thing, like dip himself seven times in the Jordan River, he balked. Seven dunks in a muddy river was not what he had in mind. It took the words of a simple servant to remind him that if he really wanted to get rid of this disease, he needed to obey.

Just a thought......I'm convinced that it took all seven times for Naaman to get any better. He wasn't 1/7 of the way healed after the first dunk, or almost healed after the sixth dunk. I don't think anything happened until he had obeyed, fully. No substitutes. No shortcuts. Simple obedience.

It wasn't glamorous, wasn't highly intellectual, didn't require great strength or strategies, just obedience.

Doing the simple stuff is so important but often overlooked. Perhaps we need to become like the simple servant, more than we need to become like the great soldier.

Always in Pursuit!

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