In Pursuit


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some Self-help Wisdom?

I don’t see myself as a self-help guru of any sorts but I came across an idea Sunday night as I was reading the book, First Break All the Rules and then thinking about a lesson I had just led about the Apostle Peter.

I read a section, in the book, about the temptation to work on one’s weak points so much to the extent that things that were strengths were neglected and allowed to go by the wayside. The authors insinuated that some folks spend their entire life working on improving weaknesses and because of this they miss out on great opportunities to utilize their strengths.

What does this have to with the Apostle Peter? As with most of us, his weaknesses were glaringly obvious. He was impetuous, as demonstrated by his use of the sword on Malchus’ ear. He was quick to speak when perhaps he should have been listening or even better yet, should have been thinking about what an appropriate response could have been. He was opinionated or perhaps better, bold in his convictions.

His boldness, his ability to speak his mind, his willingness to step out and take a risk were all things that God could use. Did he need some work in other areas? Yes, he did.

He either had a problem with consistency or was fearful of what others thought of him. We know this from the criticism that Paul leveled at him in regards to Peter’s treatment of Gentiles.

So, here’s the thought that crossed my mind. If I focus on how God wants to use my strengths more than I focus on how to turn my weaknesses into strengths, it might just be that through my acts of obedience and success at obeying God, my weakness will either fade away or I will gain enough confidence in God to allow Him to change those things and bring His correction into my life.

The benefit of focusing on how God can use my strengths will not only increase my faith/confidence in Him, but will also help increase my faith/confidence in what I can do with His help. (One reason for believing this is that I personally think Jesus’ “rebuke” of Peter when they were taking a walk on the water was not for a lack of faith in Jesus, but due to a lack of faith in what Peter could do as he stayed focuses on Jesus.)

Too often, with the help of others, my weaknesses become so large that I lose sight of my strengths and the things God has deposited in my life for His purposes.

It was just a thought. I know a weakness is still a weakness. And I know God is more than able to transform our weaknesses. But if we become consumed with our weaknesses, we won’t allow God to use our strengths to bring about His Kingdom.

For despite all the weaknesses Peter had, he was still considered to be one of the pillars of the church, a mentor to Mark, the author of two very important letters of the NT and the subject of many sermons and Bible studies for the past 20 centuries.

Always In Pursuit!

1 comment:

Brad Stiles said...

Amen to that - great reflection - LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!