In Pursuit


Thursday, February 26, 2009

I was challenged last week by one of the Regional Directors of the Assemblies of God World Missions when he read from Proverbs 16:9.

The New International Version says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."

As I was reading through my Ryrie Study Bible, I noted a comment about this verse. It said, “Permitting or overruling the acts of man without infringing upon his freedom or interrupting his responsibility is an awesome expression of God's providence.”

I love that passage and I love the explanation that was given. It goes right along with Peter’s encouragement to the church to live holy lives no matter what the government does, even if they are mistreated as slaves, or if they are living with an unbelieving husband. No matter the circumstances, the encouragement was to live holy lives. Don’t react harshly to harsh treatment. Don’t react to unfair treatment with vengeance. Live holy lives. We have all been given the responsibility to live lives that are set apart for the purposes of God.

What a great word of encouragement for the church today, for families today but most of all for me today….and tomorrow and the day after that……..

In Pursuit

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